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6 Benefits Of Windows VPS Hosting Solutions For Your Business

Ok, most of you have probably heard of VPN hosting and I bet some of you know what it is and what it does. For all of you that don’t this article is the one you need.

So, this article is for those that are unaware of VPS and what it brings to the table when it comes to solutions for business. VPS or Virtual Private Server is a form of web hosting where you pay a monthly fee to a hosting company. In a return, you are getting a portion of their servers to keep your website up and running. With this type of hosting your server resources always stay the same. What does that mean? It means that your server will never get slowed down by other websites joining the servers.

If you want to imagine how this works it’s more like a hotel that will give you a room that suits your needs after checking. You are certain that no one else will enter it and cramp it and make you feel crowded. Another great thing about VPS hosting is that companies that do this always keep up with the tech changes so you need you will always get the best servers, and latest server hardware and most importantly 99% of them have 24/7 customer support.

One of those is a place that offers Windows VPS and they are more than good so make sure to check them out. Without further ado, let’s dive into the benefits VPS hosting has to offer to you and your business.

1. Control and flexibility

Businesses always look for getting more for at least money as possible. There are numerous situations when it comes to this where you can save money, and it would be a significant sum, but you would never reach a certain prestige in that. In the age of modern technology and fast life you don’t want a website or a slow webpage, that doesn’t load, gets overwhelmed and users have issues. This is what you get when you are going for the least expensive options, and one of those probably includes shared hosting. With VPS hosting you will get a dedicated server for yourself and all the traffic on it will be yours only. No clutter, no slow loadings, no issues and most importantly, only a smooth experience for your users. When it comes to the flexibility it comes in a form of plan flexibility where you can tailor your VPS hosting plan to your needs, prediction and real situation in which you are now. This type of flexibility fits with the amount of control you will have and is something only available with cloud hosting, but more on that some other time.

2. At your disposal

Source: cira.ca

Although a VPS is a Virtual Private Server and it is a virtual machine that has its part of the web server. Now if you are wondering about the resources, each of these virtual servers has its resources like CPU, memory, and storage space. These are all divided up equally and each VPS server has its dedicated server resources that no other accounts can use. This means you get what you pay for and no one else can use that. Thanks to many different plans you can either get a better CPU, more RAM or more storage space, or you can cut down expenses if you don’t need those. Everything can be customized to the max and you can have whatever you need at your disposal, all the time and every time.

3. Growth

Now if there is anything more important than not wasting money in business, it is the capability of growth. Your business is a living entity and it will grow and develop meaning all other things behind that business have to scale with that appropriately. All of the servers can be expanded, can be added on, can be equipped with scripts, software and all other things that can help you grow or follow your business grow in the best way possible.

4. Performance

Source: geekyarea.com

Yes, we did briefly mention this, but it deserves a benefit for itself. Performance is important and if you put yourself in the shoes of a potential user. They hear about you, they know you have a website and they want to see what you offer. Shared hosting is at breaking point, your site isn’t loading up and they decided “enough is enough” and they take their business elsewhere. If you are looking to improve, grow and get the best image of your business to the world you do need VPS hosting because it will provide all that and it will always be fast and available to everyone around the world.

5. Traffic

When it comes to progressing and growing your business, it is done in several ways, but getting more traffic to your business is maybe the most important one. More traffic means more eyes on you, and your products/services and a VPS-hosted site will provide that. It will always be busy and working for you. VPS will allow for more traffic and it will not create problems that an increase in traffic brings to shared hosting.

Source: ultahost.com

6. Security

The online world is troublesome at times and we all need to be more mindful of our security. With business, this is probably more important than anything else. More security is never enough and VPS hosting will provide that by allowing you to install custom firewalls your on private server. Those are good because you can edit and add rules to make them more lenient or very strict making it almost impossible to break. If you are running databases with very sensitive data this has to be on your priority list, maybe even before everything else.

So as you can see VPS hosting is beyond beneficial for businesses. It will be your partner in growth, it will be your guard when you need it and it will be your first and best contact with your customers and visitors. By switching to this type of hosting solution you are reaping all the benefits for fraction of the cost of anything out there. Big business or small one it doesn’t matter, all that matters is you, so don’t think a lot about this and if you can switch today.

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