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5 Best UCAT Practice Tests in 2024

If you are interested in learning more about the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) then it means that you have decided to pursue a medical, dental or some other health-related degree and we congratulate you on that as it is a great career choice which will bring you great incomes later in life. However, in order to be able to enroll in one of these programs, if you live in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, you must first pass UCAT so that medical schools can be assured in your different qualities.

UCAT is often something that worries future students and they are not sure if they will be able to pass it. We do not want to lie to you and say that it is easy, but we can certainly assure you that if you are well prepared that there is a high probability that you will succeed. To make your preparation easier, we will focus on telling you what the best UCAT practice tests are in 2024, but also to tell you a little more about UCAT itself, how to approach the preparation besides taking practice tests, and so on.

What exactly is UCAT?

img source: fastprepacademy.com

You know it’s a test, but you may not know exactly what your qualities will be checked. What is primary for UCAT is mental abilities, characteristics, attitudes, and professional behavior, because in that way all medical schools where you want to apply will know that you are completely capable of performing such important and responsible professions as a doctor, dentist, and the like.

UCAT is the most popular test of this category which has a significantly higher annual number of takers than the second test of its kind in the UK, and that is the BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT).

What does UCAT consist of?

img source: themsag.com

UCAT consists of 5 subtests and all of them together last 2 hours where you will answer numerous multiple-choice questions. The entire exam is computer-based. The 5 subtests you will take within those two hours are:

  • Verbal Reasoning

The first subtest is verbal reasoning where you will answer 44 questions in 21 minutes. It will assess your ability to understand what you have read and that will serve to show if you will be able to understand the medical reports and other complex written reports you will encounter. One part will be to determine if the statement is true or false and the other part will be to supplement the statement with what you think is the right answer.

  • Decision Making

img source: translatemedia.com

Any health-related job is something where you will make important decisions on a daily basis, hence the decision-making subtest. It lasts 31 minutes and has 29 questions where your logical conclusions will be evaluated. Questions can be in the form of text, charts, diagrams, and so on, you never know and the point is for them to conclude if you can draw a logical decision from each type of information presentation.

  • Quantitative Reasoning

Quantitative reasoning consists of 36 questions for which you will have 24 minutes and you must apply your math skills. This applies to statistics, drug calculations and the like.

  • Abstract Reasoning

img source: www.jing.fm

During the abstract reasoning part you have the least time of all subtests, only 13 minutes, and questions as many as 55. During this part, you will have to find relationships between shapes and thus show that you can make a diagnosis, even if the patient’s symptoms seem unrelated at first glance.

  • Situational Judgment

The situational judgment subtest has the most questions, 69, and you will have 26 minutes at your disposal to finish them. Here you will show whether you are able to understand and respond to the real-world situation that you will encounter often. Your professionalism, ability to work in a team, and the like will be evaluated.

Best UCAT practice tests in 2024.

img source: medify.com.au

To enroll in medical school in 2024 you must pass UCAT during 2024.

Following are the best UCAT practice test in 2024:


img source: youtube.com

We would single out MedicMind as probably the best place where you can find the UCAT practice test because it is very easy to navigate the website.

When you open the website, you will see a question paper and mark scheme for each subtest, so you will be able to practice each subtest separately many times. You also have a UCAT full mock when you want to prepare and see exactly what everything will look like during a real UCAT test. There you can also find very helpful free video tutorials.

2. PassMedicine

img source: revisingrubies.com

PassMedicine is one of the most used resources for medical students in the UK. You will find all the subtests separately, and what is very useful and why so many future medical students use it, is the histogram.

Here you will be able to see the score of other candidates, which will help you see where you are at the moment and to know approximately whether you will pass the exam. All data is updated regularly.

3. Medify

img source: youtube.com

On Medify you will find over 20 thousand questions as well as tens of hours of video tutorials to help you better prepare and pass UCAT on the first attempt. A great option is that you have both timed and untimed quizzes at your disposal, so in the beginning, you will be able to prepare using untimed quizzes, and as the day of the real test approaches, then you will move on to timed quizzes.

4. BlackStone Tutors

img source: youtube.com

This website allows you not only to prepare for UCAT but also for BMAT, MMI, GPST, and so on. You can also opt for private tutoring if you notice that you are not progressing at the pace required.

5. MedEntry

img source: youtube.com

MedEntry is a free resource to practice questions for UCAT. Without registration, you can try every subtest.

According to them, MedEntry is run by experts such as practicing doctors and academics.


Alongside regular practicing with the help of practice tests, we advise you to be serious and fully concentrated when studying and preparing. And to start on time, not to waste time until the UCAT date approaches and then under stress try to get ready at short notice.

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